Monday, March 3, 2025

The Space Between #SOLSC25

Last month had me thinking about space and its many variations.  

For the past ten years, I have been luckiest teacher in the building.  Why?  Well, it was because I was able to work with my students for three years.  It was amazing to watch them learn and grow as readers and writers from 6th through 8th grade.  Needless to say, we became pretty close. 

Last year, I was disappointed to find out that I would not be looping with my 7th graders; my role was changing. It was hard.

However, one of my favorite things this year is the space between periods because a few of my former students come to see me.  One in particular comes up before school, at recess, and sometimes on her way to other classes.  Every. Day.  

I did not realize how much it meant to me until they were absent one day.  

The Space Between Periods

It is just 
3 minutes, 
or 7, but 
in she glides
right to my side.

This in between time 
is a reminder
of why I do this job- 

The space 
between learning
is precious - 
a smile, 
possibly a hug,
a problem, 
a complaint, 
a quick check-in.

Those minutes 
are never a JUST - 
they are everything.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Shine On #SOLSC25

 "Stop dimming your light and truly let yourself be seen."

Sundays are usually devoted entirely to school preparation and planning. However, I feel that lately most of my weekends and evenings are devoted to school, so I decided to do something new and different this morning.  

I attended an Intentional Yin & Sound Bath class, which was totally out of my comfort zone.  Yin is a yoga practice in which you hold the poses for a longer period of time and use props to help you relax into them.  A sound bath accompanied the movements to create a meditative experience to help us relax.  

The bowls, gongs, chimes, and rattles swathed us in the most beautiful and peaceful sounds.  There were times I felt that I was totally connected to and taken away by the sounds, and then there were other times that I was completely wrapped up with the pulls, twists, and sounds of the body, and I could hear every joint crack, stomach gurgle, and deep exhale in the room.

For most of the time, I could follow her directive to let everything empty from my mind, but true to form, there were other times that my mind could not shut off.  Although, I think most of my thoughts were connected to what was happening in the room.  What instrument or item is making that sound?  What are the other people doing?  Will my body ever be able to sit criss cross applesauce, relax into pigeon's pose, or do a real lunge?  

That last thought was the most pervasive as I have very little flexibility or strength.  There were times when I let those thoughts get me down and wanted to give up or not do it again. It was during those moments that I tried to connect to the music and relax a bit more into the pose.  

At the end, the woman performing the sound bath gave us all an affirmation. I pulled mine out from the basket and read, "Stop dimming your light and truly let yourself be seen."  It was then that I realized that I need to give myself grace and respect my current body.  I will let myself shine and continue to challenge my body, quiet my mind, and put myself first.    

Saturday, March 1, 2025

A Community of Writers is Magical #SOLSC25

Yesterday, I finished up a poetry project in another community of writers and wrote a poem about that space.  It seemed like the perfect way for me to start this challenge.

Writers’ Hands

Our hands write slices

that move hearts,

open minds, and

create connections.

Our hands write comments
that boost confidence, 
build community,
and convey compassion.

Hands do not have to touch
to touch.
Hands do not have to hold
to support.
Hands to not have to lift
to raise.

Writers’ hands are magical.

I look forward to writing with you all this month. Thank you for this space to practice, learn, and grow as a writer.

The Space Between #SOLSC25

Last month had me thinking about space and its many variations.   For the past ten years, I have been luckiest teacher in the building.  Why...