Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Some Bad Habits Are Joyful #SOLSC25

I attended a Personal Journaling workshop with my TeachWrite writing group last night and enjoyed the writing prompts that allowed me to explore myself.  

The first prompt allowed me to share something I do every morning: hit the snooze button.  

Prompt:  Describe one of your bad habits and why you secretly get joy out of it.


Yes!  I am guilty
of hitting the snooze button 
too many times.  
I don't fall back to sleep, 
and it makes me a bit late 
to my morning writing group, 

it gives me the time 
to stretch my body 
under my warm comforter 
and to keep my eyes closed 
to enjoy the silence 
of the morning 
without thoughts fluttering 
around in my head 

I head into school 
to become over-sensitized  
by the comings and goings 
of the children 
in and out of my classroom.  

I'm okay 
with prolonging 
the time 
to be 
and at peace.


  1. You make that habit sound so cozy- I would be afraid I would never get up! I love this idea for a slice and may steal it before the month is out.

  2. I am also a hit the snooze person and like you, I use the time to stretch and get my body moving ever so slowly. I appreciate that you call it a guilty pleasure, but I really think of it as a needed part of the morning cycle! IN BED YOGA!

  3. I share your bad habit and I love how you have described - and in my mind, justified - it here!

  4. Yes! Those are the reasons I often hit the snooze button too! Just that time to actually wake up, instead of having to spring out of bed right away.

  5. Yes! Those are the reasons I often hit the snooze button too! Just that time to actually wake up, instead of having to spring out of bed right away.

  6. This is a perfect prompt . The format helps you share your context so well. I may borrow it sometime.

  7. Oh, yes, you make that seem like a reasonable "bad" habit that everyone should enjoy. I love the ending of the poem about the importance of this time to be:
    and at peace."

  8. Your bad habit sounds like a good one, especially if you use it to stretch and it kicks off your day in peace. This is a great prompt to save for later.


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...