Saturday, March 1, 2025

A Community of Writers is Magical #SOLSC25

Yesterday, I finished up a poetry project in another community of writers and wrote a poem about that space.  It seemed like the perfect way for me to start this challenge.

Writers’ Hands

Our hands write slices

that move hearts,

open minds, and

create connections.

Our hands write comments
that boost confidence, 
build community,
and convey compassion.

Hands do not have to touch
to touch.
Hands do not have to hold
to support.
Hands to not have to lift
to raise.

Writers’ hands are magical.

I look forward to writing with you all this month. Thank you for this space to practice, learn, and grow as a writer.


  1. OH! That last verse! Hands do not have to touch to touch! I'm so grateful for how your writing has touched my life, Heather!

  2. I feel the same about your writing and wisdom, Marilyn.

  3. This community has such a "magical " effect on us writers. Thank you for this poem that put it distinctly.

  4. I agree with Marilyn- that last verse- WOW! It could be a poem all on its own. I so enjoy reading your writing Heather and look forward to seeing them all month.

  5. I love how you have chosen to start with such a meaningful poem. I look forward to reading your words this month!

  6. I tried to comment earlier with my phone. I was afraid it didn't work, so I am glad I came back to check. I love this poem and how it portrays this month of writing. And yes, those writer's hands are magical!


The Space Between #SOLSC25

Last month had me thinking about space and its many variations.   For the past ten years, I have been luckiest teacher in the building.  Why...