Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Bumbling My Way into the Day #SOLSC25

My co-teacher and I had an early morning professional development session on Tough Topics before school started.  It was in a different school and ended 15 minutes into my first class.  Adding on a 13 minute drive, I missed almost half of my first period.

Thankfully, my other co-teacher covered for us until we got there, but I think it may have been better if she had taught the entire class because we definitely were not in sync or ready for the day.

We did our best, though, with only a few minor hiccups.

First, as I taught, the other teacher decided to record some notes on the television.  We both went to grab the pen at the same time, and instead knocked it to the ground where it broke into pieces.

Then, when a student announced that he lost his note sheet, I grabbed a new copy and turned without knowing that she was right behind me, and we bumped into each other.  

Later, we thought we needed more copies of the same note sheet, so she went out to make copies because neither of us realized that the aide in the class was 10 steps ahead of us.

Eventually, we got into our groove, but it really accentuated our need for a quiet start to the morning.  I truly need to be in the building a good half hour before our scholars arrive and not the other way around.


  1. Glad that you were able to settle in and the remainder of the day went well! Maybe starting the day with Tough Topics would set anyone off....

  2. Some days are just like this! I’m impressed you did PD BEFORE school started. That is not something I would have wanted to do. (I’m not an early morning person.) I also appreciated getting to school with enough time to get my head on straight before students arrived. This brought back some memories of days like this. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I do not like days that start like this. I feel rushed the entire day. I also begin my day with lots of time by myself in my classroom.Your use of transitions creates that "bumbling" feeling. Here's to a better day tomorrow!


444 in the Morning #SOLSC25

I have seen a prompt a few times throughout the month called 444 - write for 4 minutes about 4 things within a 4 foot radius.  I would love ...