Sunday, March 23, 2025

Inspiration from the Bangles #SOLSC25

 Earlier this week, I was listening to the Bangles' song "Manic Monday" and realized that is where the term "Sunday funday" came from.  I chuckled because Sundays are not really fun days for me as I usually spend the day prepping and planning for the week and sneaking in some grading if there is time left over.

At that time, I decided that I would do whatever I could to make some time for some "fun" things today.  That meant I went shopping for some much needed clothes on Friday and grocery shopped and prepped my lunches for the week on Saturday night.  I also did some grading before going to bed.  

That meant I could get outside for a 2 mile walk today.  The sunshine and cool air really helped clear my mind and relieve some stress.  I love thinking about writing during my walks, so I am sharing a haiku that was rumbling in my head.

Closing my eyes, I 

face the sun; shoulders drop and

exhale the tension

Last year, I promised myself that I would start my garden from seed this year.  I did not get to it last week because I was working and running errands.  While this may not be fun, it is something that makes me feel good, and I think I will enjoy tending to them over the next several weeks in anticipation of planting my garden.  I carved out time to get that done today.

Seeds, a promise of 

new beginnings, requiring 

attention to thrive 

While I still have to do some work, I made sure that today was my "I don't have to run day," so that I could do a few things that I want to do not have to do.


  1. This is good advice for teachers -- to make Sunday still a day where you want to do something for you. It can easily get swept up in all of the work. I am glad you shopped and the garden sounds lovely. I also appreciate the slice being inspired by a song.

  2. Oh my of my favorite songs. I'm glad you had an 'I don't have to run day!' and enjoyed the day for yourself. :)


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...