Sunday, March 23, 2025

Messing with My Heart #SOLSC25

 I don't receive calls from my children often unless there is something wrong.  That is in large part because I call or text them quite often, maybe too often.

So, when I saw the call come in from my Cam while I was talking to Ashley, I immediately told her I would call her back.

I am always worried about the kids.  Last month, Ashley got into a car accident in Wisconsin.  It is so hard being so far away.  My head automatically thought something was wrong when he called me.  I could physically feel my body bracing for bad news.

I picked up the call from Cam, and he said, "Mom, do you have some money to bail me out of jail?"

My heart started to pound, and I yelled, "Cam, what the _____ did you do?" 

He started to laugh and said, "I'm just kidding."

I replied, "Cam, you rarely call me, so I thought something was wrong, and I literally can feel my heart rate skyrocketing right now."

I don't think he felt bad; he likes to keep things light.  He is the kid who left me little sticky notes with the word "poop" on them all over his room when he left one weekend.  He knows how much I miss him, and there is a softness in his joking.

"Well, I was driving home from Katherine's and was thinking of you, so I decided to call to talk," he said.

My husband is away, and he knows that I tend to get sad when I have not seen him in a while.  He knows when I need a little something to pick me up.  I am not sure this is what my physical heart needed, but it was what my emotional heart needed.  


  1. Those grown children! They can get us good every single time.

  2. He's funny! And you captured his sense of humor as well as his kindness in this post.

  3. Oh, Cam! I think he knew just how to distract you!

  4. I love your last line--the contrast between your physical heart and your emotional heart! It sounds like you have wonderful kids!

  5. He knew what you needed and when you needed it and came through. You have a thoughtful son. arjeha

  6. I just needed to let you know how much I love this sentence:
    "I am not sure this is what my physical heart needed, but it was what my emotional heart needed."

  7. Oh, those boys. When children know our hearts, it is a sign of strong love and parenting.

  8. Well, my heart began racing, too, the little stinker. But how thoughtful that he called 'just to talk'. :)


444 in the Morning #SOLSC25

I have seen a prompt a few times throughout the month called 444 - write for 4 minutes about 4 things within a 4 foot radius.  I would love ...