Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Silent Moments #SOLSC25

I have been noticing the quiet today.  I find it is something I need and crave at the beginning of the school day.  I aim to be the first in my wing so that I may spend some time relishing the silence and preparing for my students.  Without it, I am never quite right for the rest of the day.

Today, I paid attention to other quiet moments.

First thing this morning, I went downstairs to gather my things for a 5:30 a.m. strength class.  It was super quiet because my husband left early for work, and no one was in the house.  Through the silence, I heard a bird chirping outside the window.  It was so quiet in the house and the birdsong so loud outside I thought it was actually in the house.

Second period of the day, my ELA workshop class hunkered down for 15 minutes of independent reading.  It was so quiet that I totally got lost in my book almost forgetting I had a class to teach.  When I snapped back to reality and looked up, I saw a classroom of students engrossed in their books.  Not a word or other noise to heard.

After school, I settled down at my desk to get some grading done.  The quiet left no distraction, so I lost track of time getting things done.  Two hours later, hesitantly, I decided I should pack my bags.

A few minutes later, I chose to revel longer in the quiet building and walked laps around the second floor.  I love the dark, quiet hallways. I turned a corner and frightened the custodian as I disturbed the silence that he is used to when school is out.

And now, I sit here writing quietly on Zoom with my writing group.  It is the perfect way to end the day with the only sound being the clicking of the keys on the computer.  

The hush slows my breath, focuses my thoughts, and soothes my mind.


  1. Savoring silent moments is a beautiful way to enjoy parts of a day. I also love being in my hallway before the bustle of the day starts. It eases me in.

  2. The sounds of silence! I used to have to have background noise, but the older I get, the more I enjoy the silent moments.

  3. I just love that you took time to appreciate and notice the silence. It is usually a forgotten thing. Now you have me wondering if I should turn off my music and cherish the hush in my house.

  4. We seem to be constantly bombarded with noise. Quiet, when we find it, isa luxury to be cherished. Arjeha

  5. Like you, I treasure silence and never feel quite right throughout the day when I don't time things right to start the day with quiet. I loved reading this collection of quiet moments--and to have the day end with quiet communal writing time seemed perfect.


6 Word Sunday #SOLSC25

 Planning, prepping, grading Full work day