Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Hunting for Joy #SOLSC25

 This week is hard.  I know why, and I know it will pass.  I am enjoying the warmer days and getting out for a walk after school.  I knew I would find some joy outside, so I went out to find it.  I got a little nervous because everything was brown and wet and dingy in the front year.  I was looking for any sign of new life.  I rounded to the side yard, and I spotted just what I was looking for - my daffodils.  It is time for tanka.

Hiding at the base
of a barren lilac bush
tender buds protect
until the daffodil is 
ready to trumpet, "I'm here!"

On the other side of my house, I saw no such signs of spring.  Instead, I found the remnants of winter, which calls for a shorter haiku because its days are numbered.

Even on sunny
days winter's ice lingers and 
stubbornly recedes 


  1. Your poems really cheered me tonight, Heather! Thank you for the lift I needed. Getting outside is something I need to do MORE!

  2. I'm glad you found joy outside! I wrote a tanka for tomorrow's Slice. It is about a yellow flower I found in my yard today too. I love your choice of words- the daffodil is ready to trumpet".

  3. You are the second slice I've read about daffodils. They are one of my favorites! I need to get outside more this week. Thanks for the nudge.


Hunting for Joy #SOLSC25

 This week is hard.  I know why, and I know it will pass.  I am enjoying the warmer days and getting out for a walk after school.  I knew I ...