Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Pictures Are My Window SOLSC #SOL24

The spring semester is tough for me. It is a long stretch before I get to see my daughter at the end of April. Pictures get me through and help me feel connected to my girl who is 1,100 miles away.  

My daughter started training for a half marathon in May, and I enjoy seeing pictures of her training runs.  She amazes me with all that she does at UW-Madison: dance, work, sorority, running, cycling, and nursing school of course.  

I love walking with her on this trail along Lake Mendota, and this is a picture from her run yesterday with a haiku.

Gnarled branches reach out
shadowing your footsteps, an
eager audience




  1. Love the word "gnarled" and the image of 'gnarled branches reach out' is captivating. What a gorgeous place for your daughter to run! That was a beautiful photo.

  2. I love how you connect with pictures! As a daughter who does the same, I can tell you how special it is that she shares images with you from her every day. It is her way of keeping you in the loop despite the distance. What a sign of successful parenting, when your kid wants you so close in their life! Good for you :)

  3. That is a beautiful photo. My daughter and family live in Germany and we in the west of south India. I am so thankful for Whatsapp video calls 😊


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...