Thursday, March 7, 2024

I'm Sinking SOLSC #SOL24

Thursdays are my hardest day.  After school, I have rehearsal, PT, 2 tutor sessions, and then my writing group.  I start at 7:00 a.m. and end at 9:30 p.m., and while I am sitting in my chair on a Zoom with the goal to write, I AM STUCK.  

I want to write about teaching Night in my 8th grade class, but that is too emotional.

I could write about the frustration of the team's inability to help a student access curriculum, but that would rile me up.

I could write about another rainy day, but I already did that.

I might want to write about something outside, but it is pitch dark.

I could write about missing my kids, but I don't want to be sad.

I guess I could write about being stuck in a nonet poem.

to find an 
idea worthy  
of putting pen to 
paper is like standing 
in quicksand. I can't look back 
or move forward.  My mind is fixed
on one thing - getting out of this funk.


  1. I love posts about being stuck--because the writing is right there in the situation! I really like the nonet poem form--that is new to me, and I may have to save that one for my day nine!

  2. Thursday sure sounds heavy for you, friend. But Friday is right around the corner! 🥰 I hope you're able to rest this weekend. Thanks for reminding me about the nonet form!


444 in the Morning #SOLSC25

I have seen a prompt a few times throughout the month called 444 - write for 4 minutes about 4 things within a 4 foot radius.  I would love ...