Friday, March 8, 2024

Playing with Spines SOLSC #SOL24

 Thank you to arjeha for the inspiration.  I have always been intrigued by book spine poetry, but today is the first time I have ever tried it.  

I grabbed a pile of poetry books as I had just finished tutoring a student who loves writing poetry with me.  We always have fun writing and talking about poetry, so it seemed fitting to continue having fun with books of poetry.  

My Thoughts Are Clouds.
The Wonder of Small Things
Lightning Paths
Where the Sidewalk Ends.
One Last Word
for Everyone.

Next, I chose a stack of books outside of the genres I usually read, but I have really enjoyed.

The Book of Joy -
All It Takes Is a Goal:
Steal Like an Artist.
Life in the Sloth Lane.


  1. I love book spine poetry, and it always finds its way into a slice in March. It is usually when the words/ideas aren't coming or when I am short on time. I really like the first one, especially lighting paths where the sidewalk ends--perfection!!

  2. Great poems. Glad you tried this format. I really like your second one especially the last line. We need to take life in the sloth lane because we miss out on so much if we don't. arjeha

  3. What great titles and what great reminders to look for joy everywhere.


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...