Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Fun with Elfchen #SOLSC #SOL24

I love playing with poetic forms, and today, I am trying another new to me form - the Elfchen. I have seen a few slicers using this form.  It has been on my list of slice ideas for days. It seems like it should be quick, but even the short forms tend to take me forever, especially when I don't have a topic. Hey, maybe that is my topic.

are hiding
in elusive places.
The best in a 

Okay, that was quicker than expected, so I will try another one. The weather is on my mind as I heard mention of a potential snow storm Friday night. It will probably be rain, but it keeps the forecast interesting.  

a squatter, 
has violated season's
calendar lease. Evict before

I am missing my kids a little extra lately. 

brings sorrow,
but the connection
remains strong as they


  1. These are all great, but I really like the word choice in the second one. Winter as a squatter and being evicted is wonderful!

  2. These are great, I especially like the first one. I tried an elfchen this year. They are a very convenient form of poetry!


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...