Monday, March 18, 2024

A Winter Tricube #SOLSC #SOL24

Thank you, Cathy Hutter, for sharing your tricube poem and inspiring me to write my own. Here is a link to her slice featuring this poetic form. 

When I looked out the window at the end of the school day, the sun was shining. I was eager to leave, so I could get out for a walk and soak up some vitamin D. However, it was not as warm as I thought, and shortly after I set out, I wished I put on a hat and mittens.  I felt that winter was not going gently into its hibernation.

Winter speaks
its last breath,
cool and sharp. 

The wind chases
the sun's warmth;
its last day.

Leaves and feet
shuffle quick,
seeking warmth.

1 comment:

  1. Today's weather was such a surprise! We had a beautiful weekend in Tennessee and came home to Indiana flurries! I love your poem, especially tnose first two lines. I really did feel like (and HOPE) winter was speaking its last breath!


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...