Sunday, March 17, 2024

Vocab Matters #SOLSC #SOL24

It is inevitable (or so I think so). Every time I teach or share one of my favorite words with someone, it turns up everywhere. I may be hyperbolizing a bit, but it tends to stand out when they are words that are not used often.

After I "brought" my favorite word, ubiquitous, to Leigh Anne's party, I encountered it on three different occasions. 

About a month or two ago, I taught it to one of my tutor students.  On Friday, she told me that she was conferencing with her teacher about her writing assignment.  She had used the word ubiquitous in it, and the teacher asked, "Do you even know what that word means?"  She said she most certainly did, and when she told him what it meant, he was quite impressed.  

Then, I was talking to my son the other night, and he used it to describe the Swift/Kelce relationship being ubiquitous on social media.  Of course, he used his own pronunciation (u-bi-quish-us) just to aggravate me.  Hey, I will taking the jibing because he does have a strong command of words.  I just hope he reserves his special pronunciation for me.  

Then, this morning I was reading Eight Nights of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds when she used it to describe the family's "ubiquitous glossy brown curls."  

My students are always eager to share when they find our vocabulary words in their books or when they use it when they are talking to someone.  I love sharing my love for words with others, and it fills my heart with joy when they start to "own" them and take words with them.

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