Friday, March 22, 2024

4 things, 4 feet, 4 minutes #SOLC #SOL24

Thank you, Tammy, for inspiring me today.  Prompt:  Look around and choose 4 things within 4 ft. of you and 4 minutes to write about them.

My pink gallon water bottle to keep me hydrated and to help my body function properly.

Two plush puffins watch me write and work.

My red Vera Bradley school bag waits for me to grab some papers to correct.

My orange journal covered in monarch butterflies I started to record my journey to better health.


  1. Nice inspiration for a post on a busy Friday! I notice your health journey. I notice “p” words- pink, puffins! And papers… you just need a “p” word for your 4th object!

  2. This is a new prompt for me. I like the format and will add it to my future toolbox to inspire ideas.

  3. I'd forgotten about this format! Will definitely be pulling it out next week. You selected such strong details to share. I really liked how this post was suffused with color!


444 in the Morning #SOLSC25

I have seen a prompt a few times throughout the month called 444 - write for 4 minutes about 4 things within a 4 foot radius.  I would love ...