Saturday, March 23, 2024

My Safe Place #SOLC #SOL24

My friend, Marilyn Miner, introduced me to the poetry of James Crews and his "The Weekly Pause" newsletter.  Each week he sends out a poem, some thoughts, and an invitation to write and reflect. His poems always open my heart, and they allow me to think of my life and the world around me with gratitude.  

I was feeling like a cheater and a stealer this morning because I have had a tough time coming up with my own ideas for this month's Slice of Life daily challenge. I usually go directly to commenting, looking for some idea to inspire me.

Today, I decided to read Crews' email first, and sure enough it opened my heart and mind. Poetry speaks to me and tells me I am not alone. It certainly makes feel heard without speaking, and it inspires me to create.

Yesterday, he sent out a poem titled "Safe Space" and the following invitation:  What touches that "bundle of tinder" that is your heart these days? What offers you a sense of safety and comfort when so little in life does?  

My Safe Space

Well, I will tell you -
up until I found it,
I let everything sit in this body,
bubbling until 
patience was lost,
tears were released, 
and anger took over, 
usually resulting in 
punishing myself.

Somehow, I was summoned

to open a notebook.
A blank page 
became a new day,
a fresh look,
a depository for my soul, 
generating serenity and healing.

Without judgement,
I wrote of myself,
shared my fears,
and unleashed the bubbling
in my belly,
so that I could walk 
this life with an open heart.

The pages wait to be filled
or read again, a reminder
of who I was and where I came from,
who I am and my passions, 
and who I long to be 
and the possibilities that await me.

It holds me tenderly
and opens only
for me.
A page may come loose, 
at times, but only 
with my permission.



  1. I LOVE that writing brought us together and now we'll be friends forever. You and I are kindred spirits and I love your poem (and you) so much!

  2. I LOVE this poem so much, Heather! Yes, our notebooks have grown so much with us over the last 4 years. Or, I guess I should turn that around. We have grown so much with our notebooks! (Maybe bother are true.) Can you believe we joined TW 4 years ago? I love the punch of your last line - it speaks volumes of the power of owning your words and being true to yourself.


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...