Friday, March 14, 2025

"Because I'm Happy" 🎶 #SOLSC25

 It has been a long, hard week, but my students are always there to make me smile.  I am choosing to end it with thinking and writing about the 5 things that made me smile.

1.  Students are excited about our March Madness Poetry Bracket.  They can't wait to hear which poem won the match-up of the day.  Some cheer while others scowl when the winner is revealed.  They have their favorites, and they are asking questions about the poems coming up.  I am having them write gists of each poem, and their ideas are fabulous.  The best thing I heard all week was, "This is fun!"

2.  We have been working on identifying central ideas and summarizing nonfiction texts.  I had my students work in groups to identify the central ideas of different parts of a chapter, and they were spot on.  After having them share their ideas, I assigned each group a different part of the summary structure and then orally summarize the chapter.  It was fantastic, and they all clapped for themselves at the end.

3.  "Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!"  John Denver's lyrics are singing in my head!  The sun had been shining, the temps are rising, and I am back out walking daily.  I can't help but smile.

4.  For the past 10 years, I have been looping with my students as I have been working as an interventionist.  My role has changed this year.  My 6th graders know this because my former students keep visiting, and at the beginning of the year, I told them.  One student came up at the end of the class and asked, "Will I get to have you again next year?"  I sure hope so!

5.  I just changed into black jeans and a black top to get into the mood of an Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy tonight.  I am such a literature nerd, and I love Poe.  I am excited to hang with my teacher friends outside of school.  I have been smiling about this all day.  

And now I am singing "Because I'm happy" by Pharell William.  🎶🎶🎶

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

I Am a Worrier #SOLSC25

I am often told to stop worrying or that I worry too much.  I feel that some see it as a fault while I see it as a testament of my love.  

My sister-in-law underwent heart surgery today, and I have been in a constant state of worry.  I woke up in the middle of the night, finding that the worry had spread to my daughter, my lesson tomorrow, my teaching - pretty much anything that came into my head.  

I put white noise on my phone and slept fitfully.  As expected, I woke up tired and worried.

The waiting was hard.  Not being able to see her is hard.  Finally, word came that the surgery was over and the tubes were out.  She is on the other side, but the worry does not stop. 

When you care deeply, one can't help it

Only fueled by a true love and tender care

Revisiting cherished memories to 

Replace the worst case scenario thoughts 

You matter to me

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Hunting for Joy #SOLSC25

 This week is hard.  I know why, and I know it will pass.  I am enjoying the warmer days and getting out for a walk after school.  I knew I would find some joy outside, so I went out to find it.  I got a little nervous because everything was brown and wet and dingy in the front year.  I was looking for any sign of new life.  I rounded to the side yard, and I spotted just what I was looking for - my daffodils.  It is time for tanka.

Hiding at the base
of a barren lilac bush
tender buds protect
until the daffodil is 
ready to trumpet, "I'm here!"

On the other side of my house, I saw no such signs of spring.  Instead, I found the remnants of winter, which calls for a shorter haiku because its days are numbered.

Even on sunny
days winter's ice lingers and 
stubbornly recedes 

Monday, March 10, 2025

A Sequence of Whens that Equals Success #SOLSC25

 Thank you,, for the inspiration for my slice today.  I realized that all of my WHENS added up to a very productive day that is easing my stress.  

This post will be one I will come back to when I am feeing overwhelmed with work. 

When I get to school early with a detailed list of what I need to do to prepare for the day...

When my co-teacher has a meeting during our co-planning time...

When my other co-teacher and I take a few laps around the building...

When I stay after school and am the last one to leave the building...

When I get out for a quick one mile walk...

When I cancel tutoring and schedule in a two hour block of correcting time...

When I put on some soft music, turn on my wax melts, and sit at my desk...


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Thoughts on Time #SOLSC25

 Last week, I asked my students if they would rather speed up or slow down time.  I was impressed that a majority of them chose slow down time.  Usually, children can't wait for things - the weekend, video games, time with friends, the end of the school day.  Obviously, I told them I would slow time, but my thoughts of time are fickle.  

Time has been on my mind lately.  I am not sure if it is because of talking about it in class or the fact that I have been thinking about time in relation to my own children.

Honestly, there are instances when I want time to jump - jump to the next time I see at least one of my children.  My heart literally quickens just thinking about it.  

In those moments, I take the time to look at pictures, listen to songs, text them, call them - really anything to feel close to them, and I would give anything to move time forward. 

Then, there are other times when I want time to stop.  When time moves forward, they become farther away from me even though they are where they always are.  Those are the times when I am okay with time's lollygagging.  I am simply not ready for the severance.

Today, I realized that Ashley's last dance showcase is one month away and her graduation is 2 months away.  I know that time will then bring her to another place far away from me as she has her heart set on landing a nursing job in Chicago.

Last month marked the countdown to Cam turning 26 and being responsible for his own health insurance.  In addition, his friends are getting engaged, and I know his time is coming. With that event comes the decision on where to live. I fear that it will be farther away from home.

It makes me wonder if my thoughts on time will then change entirely, yearning even more for the time we are together again.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Start or End with Meetings? #SOLSC25

I started the day with yet another morning meeting, which impacted the rest of the day.  I decided to write a definition poem inspired by those written by Kwame Alexander in The Crossover.

Morning Meeting

As in
before most teachers 
and students arrive-
quiet hallways,
the start of the day

As in 
questions posed,
answers unexpectedly changed,
pressures shared,
and bodies tensed

As in
"Wait, that's not what 
you said last time."
"But, we had it  
that way last year."

As in
ending right at the bell-
issues unresolved,
feelings charged-
at an impasse 

until next week.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

No Silence There Was #SOLSC25

Yesterday, I reveled in the silence.  Today, it was a chaotic marathon.  And now, I only have time for a skinny poem.

However, I am celebrating that I wrote a Slice because I was going to just bag it.

There was no silence today
Today, no silence there was

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Silent Moments #SOLSC25

I have been noticing the quiet today.  I find it is something I need and crave at the beginning of the school day.  I aim to be the first in my wing so that I may spend some time relishing the silence and preparing for my students.  Without it, I am never quite right for the rest of the day.

Today, I paid attention to other quiet moments.

First thing this morning, I went downstairs to gather my things for a 5:30 a.m. strength class.  It was super quiet because my husband left early for work, and no one was in the house.  Through the silence, I heard a bird chirping outside the window.  It was so quiet in the house and the birdsong so loud outside I thought it was actually in the house.

Second period of the day, my ELA workshop class hunkered down for 15 minutes of independent reading.  It was so quiet that I totally got lost in my book almost forgetting I had a class to teach.  When I snapped back to reality and looked up, I saw a classroom of students engrossed in their books.  Not a word or other noise to heard.

After school, I settled down at my desk to get some grading done.  The quiet left no distraction, so I lost track of time getting things done.  Two hours later, hesitantly, I decided I should pack my bags.

A few minutes later, I chose to revel longer in the quiet building and walked laps around the second floor.  I love the dark, quiet hallways. I turned a corner and frightened the custodian as I disturbed the silence that he is used to when school is out.

And now, I sit here writing quietly on Zoom with my writing group.  It is the perfect way to end the day with the only sound being the clicking of the keys on the computer.  

The hush slows my breath, focuses my thoughts, and soothes my mind.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March Madness Poetry Style #SOLSC25

 For the past few years, my co-teacher and I have done a March Madness Poetry Bracket with our 8th graders, but this year we decided to do it in our 6th and 7th grade classes.  I was a bit nervous, at first, thinking that they would not like it.  I wondered if it would be too hard.  

Per usual, my 6th graders are blowing me away!

Here are a few things that were said today that filled my heart.

"Mrs. Morris, who won the match-up from yesterday?"

"I noticed that the living poets are (each match-up has a dead poet matched to a living poet around a similar topic) have won each bracket so far!"

When asked about today's match-up, a student smiled and said, "I loved today's poems!  This match-up is my favorite!"

"Langston Hughes is a great poet!  I can't wait for his match."

"Are you sure that poem won?  I feel like everyone I talked to voted for the other poem."

"Wow! I really liked how you explained the meaning of the poem."

"Ooohh! I really like that poem."  

They are reading poetry! They are talking about poetry! They like poetry!

It can't get any better than that!

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Space Between #SOLSC25

Last month had me thinking about space and its many variations.  

For the past ten years, I have been luckiest teacher in the building.  Why?  Well, it was because I was able to work with my students for three years.  It was amazing to watch them learn and grow as readers and writers from 6th through 8th grade.  Needless to say, we became pretty close. 

Last year, I was disappointed to find out that I would not be looping with my 7th graders; my role was changing. It was hard.

However, one of my favorite things this year is the space between periods because a few of my former students come to see me.  One in particular comes up before school, at recess, and sometimes on her way to other classes.  Every. Day.  

I did not realize how much it meant to me until they were absent one day.  

The Space Between Periods

It is just 
3 minutes, 
or 7, but 
in she glides
right to my side.

This in between time 
is a reminder
of why I do this job- 

The space 
between learning
is precious - 
a smile, 
possibly a hug,
a problem, 
a complaint, 
a quick check-in.

Those minutes 
are never a JUST - 
they are everything.

"Because I'm Happy" 🎶 #SOLSC25

 It has been a long, hard week, but my students are always there to make me smile.  I am choosing to end it with thinking and writing about ...