Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Thinking About Change #SOL

I have been thinking about change. It has been a part of my work life for about three years now, and it will not stop for a while. So when Ethical ELA's VerseLove inspired me to write a list poem, I thought about all of the ways change is around us, what we say about change, and the various connotations and denotations of change. I love a good list poem.

True or False?

Change is good.

I can change the world.

A change in the weather is coming.

I can buy something with the loose change in my pocket.

It’s time for a change.

A change of clothes is handy.

I changed my name when I married.

Climate change is real.

I have change for a 20.

I love the change in the color of autumn leaves.

I am willing to change.


  1. I love your list and think the last line may be the most important of all the uses of "change." That turn from what is interesting to what is important really spoke to me.

  2. I was drawn to your post because I experienced a big change in my job this year, one that I'm struggling with and has me contemplating next steps for the first time in over a decade. I'd like to think I'm willing to change to become a better person, better at doing things, better at my job. But when the change doesn't lead to that...is it really good? Still thinking on it...


Some Bad Habits Are Joyful #SOLSC25

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