Sunday, March 10, 2024

Surprises Everywhere SOLSC #SOL24

The rain decided to take a break today, so I took advantage of that and took a walk around the yard and found a few surprises.  

A patch of blue found
disseminating white clouds - 
it is clear skies' turn

I spy a tiny 
nest trying  to camouflage 
upon soggy ground

A purple myrtle
bloom bursts through remnants of last
year's growth - spring is near

Then, when I came in to write.  I found another note from my son.  I thought I had found them all!

Just when missing seems
strong, I find yet another
love note from my son


  1. I love your images that accompany your words. It's really amazing to see how others find gratitude and peace in their life. A really great little slice (also, love the note from child -- just adds to the contrast between outside and inside; and what kids focus on!).

  2. This is a a special slice. It reminds us to search our environment for the tiny details.The photographs also help us capture what you wrote about. There are many surprises around us, we only have to look.


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...