Monday, March 11, 2024

Currently... SOLSC #SOL24

Thank you to Christie Wyman for today's inspiration.  It has been a long Monday with more work for tonight, so I am trying out her "I am currently..." idea.  I have done this before but with different prompts.

I am currently...

Anticipating a day at the spa this coming Saturday with a dear friend.  Not only am I treating myself to a facial, but I will also have three hours in the Bliss area with access to a salt room, a steam room, a sauna, and mineral hot tub.  

Watching Constellation on Apple TV.  I have to admit that I am thoroughly confused by what is going on as the characters seem to be in two different dimensions or realities.

Reading The Women by Kristin Hannah.  It is set during the Vietnam War, and it is truly heartbreaking.  I love historical fiction, and Hannah's novels never disappoint.

Listening to Look Both Ways by Jason Reynolds with my 7th grade students.  I love his books and poetry.  The kids seem to be enjoying it, and we are having great conversations.  

Hoping I will be able to see my son this weekend for dinner.  I grasp any opportunity I can to get some alone time with him as he is always busy with friends and his girlfriend.

Waiting for mid April. Not for spring, but to fly out to Wisconsin to spend the weekend with my daughter.  I am attending her sorority's mother's weekend for the first time.  


  1. I always love these currently posts because you learn so much about another slicer in one single post! Thanks for sharing and hope the spa day is wonderful!

  2. I agree- it’s a great format. You managed to recommend a show and two books that sound great to me, and to express your love for your family.

  3. Thanks for reminding me of this format. I like Kristin Hannah also and was wondering about her latest novel. I loved The Nightingdale. I also really like Jason Reynolds 'writing. He's such a cool writer and person. Happy upcoming spa day.


Places I Hide #SOLSC25

My writing group's Personal Journaling workshop had me thinking about hiding places.  It took me to two different places: one being a li...