Monday, March 4, 2024

Light Dawns on Rock Head SOLSC #SOL24

Today, I was interviewed by one of my students for our school newspaper.  

I was impressed right from the start when he said, "Good morning, how are you doing today, Mrs. Morris?"  

His questions were thoughtful, and our conversation was relaxed and enjoyable. We talked about food, travel, reading, writing, teaching, and so many other topics. I appreciated that he wanted to get to know me as a person.

It was the first question, though, that had me reeling. He asked about my children. A simple question for sure, but for some reason my final answer struck my heart. Not in a good or bad way. It was an epiphany.  I think that even he was surprised.  I would like to think that I look too young to have a son that age.  

I told him that my son was 24, but when he recapped, he just assumed that my son was still in college.  

I corrected him and said, "No, my son is a mechanical engineer."  

A mechanical engineer!  Holy crap! 

This has been the case for the past year and half, but for some reason, I still thought of him as a boy, a soccer player, a gamer, and a student. Those were all the things I had first hand knowledge of and was witness to. 

My mind may be stuck in this past because he truly is on his own and traversing a path without me walking next to him.  I hear about it, but I don't see it.

All through the day, I kept thinking Wow! Cam is a mechanical engineer!

1 comment:

  1. This slice caught my eye for two reasons- the quote about light dawning on rock head and the name of your son. My mentor Cam used to say that phrase a lot. I also liked how it took an interview for the realization of your son all grown up to sink in. Happy slicing!


444 in the Morning #SOLSC25

I have seen a prompt a few times throughout the month called 444 - write for 4 minutes about 4 things within a 4 foot radius.  I would love ...