Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Thinking About Change #SOL

I have been thinking about change. It has been a part of my work life for about three years now, and it will not stop for a while. So when Ethical ELA's VerseLove inspired me to write a list poem, I thought about all of the ways change is around us, what we say about change, and the various connotations and denotations of change. I love a good list poem.

True or False?

Change is good.

I can change the world.

A change in the weather is coming.

I can buy something with the loose change in my pocket.

It’s time for a change.

A change of clothes is handy.

I changed my name when I married.

Climate change is real.

I have change for a 20.

I love the change in the color of autumn leaves.

I am willing to change.

Some Bad Habits Are Joyful #SOLSC25

I attended a Personal Journaling workshop with my TeachWrite writing group last night and enjoyed the writing prompts that allowed me to exp...