Saturday, March 2, 2024

A Trip Down My Slice of Life Lane SOLSC #SOL24

I found my inspiration from another slice written by Leigh Anne at A Day in the Life. She went back to look at her first slice in her first March challenge, so I did the same. Leigh Anne, I do not know whether to thank you or curse you.  

I watched One Day on Netflix last weekend, and it has had me crying for days. I made a pledge not to shed any tears this weekend. Well, that did not last long. My first slice in my first March challenge in 2021 was about letting my daughter go to her last dress rehearsal on her own because of COVID; I was left home to watch it on Zoom. The feelings of that day came rushing back to me and so did the tears.

Letting go has been hard for me. That was her last dress rehearsal (in a mask) and a few months later she left for college at the University of Wisconsin. She still dances on their club dance team, but the separation is even greater. Now, I do not have any part in her preparation rituals, and I have to watch videos of her dancing, which are blurry if I try to Zoom in to find her.

If we want to see her dance in person, it requires air travel and weekend stays. Even then, I am a spectator. My daughter is on her own doing what she loves and finding her way to a new life. Both do not really include me.  

I rarely look back at my writing. As I was scrolling through that first  challenge, I was amazed. I found myself thinking Wow! I wrote that? So much has changed in the last 3 years.  I found the last time I cooked with my grandfather, remote Mondays, a death in the neighborhood, and our first class fish.

This act gave me a greater appreciation for this slice of life community and challenge. These slices are a record of my journey. The little bits of things I see, hear, and do. A record of change and growth.  

Ashley practicing that week for her dress rehearsal. 


  1. I love this so much. I love the trip down memory lane, the tears flowing. What a precious moment to capture. Writing has let you re-live...isn't that awesome? Thank you for this, thanks to Leigh Ann Eck...I am going to have to find my first. I suspect it is much more dry-eyed.

  2. This story touched my heart. I have my youngest at home and I can't imagine what life will be like when she leaves. Looking back at writing is a bit like time travel. So many memories come alive.

  3. We don't always realize how much things have changed until we go back and read what we have posted years ago. Life goes on, children grow, our roles in their, although still important, change.

    1. The above comment was written by arjeha.

  4. I am sorry about brining you to tears, but I think looking back at these slices can also be theraputic. I hope it has been for you.


444 in the Morning #SOLSC25

I have seen a prompt a few times throughout the month called 444 - write for 4 minutes about 4 things within a 4 foot radius.  I would love ...