Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Finding Joy #SOL

My friends, Cathy Hutter and Leigh Anne Eck, have been posting about their "little pleasures" and "things that made me smile."  They lift me up each day and bring me closer to my virtual friends.  I have been using the excuse that I don't know what to write every week when I see the Slice of Life pop up in my email, but today I found myself smiling multiple times today and realized those are a perfect Slice.  

3 things that made me smile today!

1.  When I heard of Nikki Giovanni's passing this morning, I immediately found one of my favorite poems by her to share with my students because I wanted to hear and share her words with them.  "Allowables" connected to our discussion about fears yesterday and was perfect.  I shared the poem with my sixth graders, and at the end, hands shot up in the air because they had something to say.  They connected to our discussion and identified the theme, and I could see in their faces that her words resonated with them just as they had with me.  As sad as I was, I smiled knowing that her words will live on and touch others.

2.  We adopted a new ELA curriculum this year, and it is so easy for us all to complain about it.  Yesterday, we were asked to identify the positives of this new work, which totally changed the tone of our meeting.  I decided then that I was going to find a positive each day and record it in a notebook.  The curriculum asks a lot of our students, and they constantly amaze me with their perseverance.  Today, they had to choose a theme, find evidence of it in two different texts, explain the evidence, and then compare and contrast how the theme was used in each.  My students dove right in without a single complaint and had great conversations.  They were excited to share their ideas with the rest of the class.  How could I not smile?

3.  I have worked hard to take care of myself and to live a healthier life.  This includes protein-packed meals, daily walks, and a creative outlet, such as knitting or writing.  This has resulted in a signifiant weight loss.  Today, I decided to visit a new boutique that just opened in town, and I was amazed to find out that I am down 4 sizes.  When I looked in the mirror with a new stylish shirt, I almost could not recognize myself.  For the first time in years, I actually thought I looked good.  

And guess what!  I am smiling now.  Thank you to my friends for spreading their joy and inspiring me to find my own.  

Some Bad Habits Are Joyful #SOLSC25

I attended a Personal Journaling workshop with my TeachWrite writing group last night and enjoyed the writing prompts that allowed me to exp...